Duration: 2:30 Hours
- This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of Nine (9) questions.
- Answer all questions in section A and B and three (3) questions from section C
- All answers must be written in the spaces provided.
- All writing must be in blue or black ink.
- Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
- Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.
SECTION A (20 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
1. For each of the following items (i – xv) choose the correct answer from among of given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number:
(i) The appearance of both Zinjathropus and Homo habilis marked the beginning of a period in man’s history known as.
(a) Neolithic Age
(b) Modernization Age
(c) Early Stone Age
(d) Middle Stone Age
(e) Pre – colonial period.
(ii) The following are the limitations of archaeology as a source of historical knowledge except:
(a) Time factor is very relative
(b) Humid climate causes decay of artifacts
(c) It is more employed in Engaruka valley than Egypt.
(d) Difficult to know the culture, language and beliefs of the Artifacts.
(e) It takes time and very expensive.
(iii) The British took over Tanganyika after 1918 because:
(a) It was the end of the First World War.
(b) They were asked by the League of Nations
(c) They defeated the Germans.
(d) The Germans were not able to separate the war.
(iv) During the colonial period provision of social services was not given priority to Africans because:
(a) Arabs and Portuguese had provided social services before colonialism.
(b) Africans refused modernity.
(c) Africans had all social services.
(d) Social services were part of profit to European Capitalists
(e) Social services were not part of profit to European Capitalists.
(v) Some areas in Africa experienced more intensive Scramble than others in the 19th century because:
(a) Had no active Africans to resist Colonialism
(b) Were still for behind in development.
(c) Were good for hunting and gathering fruits.
(d) Had Mediterranean climate favorable for Europeans.
(e) Were economically strategic.
(vi) Which one among the following statements is not true about the discoveries made by man during the middle stone age?
(a) Development of sharper, smaller and portable tools.
(b) Introduction of stone picks spears, arrows, knives and needles.
(c) Use of wooden and bone materials to facilitate production.
(d) Discovery of fire.
(e) Emergence of social cultural groups and ethnic groups.
(vii) Which of the following best describes the Stone Age Era?
(a) When man used stone artifacts widely in his daily life.
(b) When stones were formed on earth.
(c) When man used stones widely as ornaments.
(d) When Africans used stones to fight against invaders
(e) When stone became a major commodity in a long distance trade.
(viii) Why are Missionaries important in Africa History?
(a) Treated Africans very well
(b) Brought in trade goods with them.
(c) Accounts of their expeditions and experience attracted more Europeans.
(d) Established medical services.
(e) Introduced civilization in Africa.
(ix) Carl Peters signed a number of treaties with African Chiefs on the coastal hinterland of Tanganyika because he wanted to:
(a) Please Chancellor Bismarck.
(b) Establish unity among African Chiefdoms.
(c) Accomplish Colonial economic motives of the German East Africa Company.
(d) Accomplish the signing to the Heligoland Treaty.
(e) Recruit the Chief of Msovero to become member of the German East African Company.
(x) The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade had the following outcomes, except:
(a) Loss of African culture
(b) Loss of African technology
(c) Loss of man power in Africa.
(d) The growth of forest states of Benin, Oyo and Ife.
(e) Scramble of Africa by European Nations.
(xi) The coastal city states which grew from the trade contacts between East Africa and Asia were
- Mwanza, Tanga and Dar es Salaam
- Malindi, Kilwa and Mombasa
- Nairobi, Kampala and Dar es Salaam
- Lamu, Bagamoyo and Mbeya
- Mombasa, Zanzibar and Kigoma.
(xii)Which of the following are included in the museums?
- Cultural, social and economic items from the earliest time to the present.
- Remains which show man’s past made and used tools.
- Cultural practices such as art, music religion and riddles.
- Colonial records and early traveller’s records.
- Special names of generations, clan trees and tribal chronology.
(xiii) The period which was characterized by intense competition and warfare among the Europeanstates during the 17th century is called
- capitalism
- mercantilism
- feudalism
- industrial revolution
- scramble.
(xiv)When did most parts of East Africa adopt iron technology?
- 1st millennium AD.
- 1st millennium BC.
- 3rd millennium AD.
- 2nd millenium AD.
- 2nd millennium BC.
(xv) Industrial development in Africa was not prioritized by the capitalists during the colonial time because
- the colonialists were interested in obtaining raw materials
- the colonialists stressed on the provision of social services
- the climate did not favour industrial development
- Africa had no enough raw materials
- Africa had no infrastructure to support the industries.
2. Match the items in LIST A with the correct responses in LIST B by writing the letter of the response beside the item number.
(i) Vasco Da Gama
(ii) Kinjekitile Ngwale
(iii) Carl Peters
(iv) Samori Toure
(v) 1967
A. The organization of African Unity gave birth to African Union.
B. Genocide in Rwanda
C. The Policy of socialism and self reliance was introduces in Tanzania
D. Imperialist plan against progressive and revolutionary leadership in independent Africa.
E. Facilitated Indirect rule in Uganda
F. Nyamwezi
G. A German Imperial agent in East Africa.
H. Contributed to the rise of Nationalism in Zimbabwe.
I. The Founder of KANU
J. Mandika Empire
K. Used water ideology to organize people against German rule.
L. Linked African to Portuguese mercantile.
M. Resisted German rule in Namibia.
SECTION B: 35 Marks
3. Answer the following questions briefly
- What is the advantages of use of written sources of history other than oral sources.
- What was the role of colonial companies in administration
- How did US contribute to the end of second world war
- What could have happened if Berlin conference was not convened?
- What were commodities exchanged during trans-saharan trade
- What is the contribution of Dr. Leakey in archeology studies?
4. Arrange the following historical statements in chronological order by writing number 1 to 6 beside the item number in answer booklet provided.
- The immediate cause of discontent was the government cotton scheme
- In 1905, a prophet named Kinjekitile Ngwale living at Ngarambe declared war against Germans
- The immediate effect of the war was famine, destruction of villages, and disintegration of families
- Africans were defeated by the year 1907.
- Majimaji was the most serious resistance against german rule which broke out in 1905 in southern Tanganyika.
- Kinjekitile was captured and killed by the Germans.
3. (a) Draw sketch Map of East Africa and mark the following historical sites.
(i) Olduvai Gorge
(ii) Rusinga Island
(iii) Kondoa Irangi
(iv) Nsogezi.
(v) Fort Jesus
(b) State the Historical significance of the sites mentioned in (a) above.
SECTION C: 45 Marks
5. Compare and contrast British and French systems of administration as practiced in Africa during the colonial period.
7. With examples explain six reasons for African resistances to colonial rule
8. Account for the rise of state organization in pre-colonial Africa.
9. What factors led to the rise of trans-Saharan Trade?
Duration: 2:30 Hours
- This paper consists of sections A,B and C with a total of 14 questions.
- Answer all the questions in sections A and B and three questions from section C
- Write your name and class in the spaces provided above.
- All writings must be in blue or black ink
- Neat work will be rewarded.
Answer all questions in this section
- For each of the items (i-x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the boxes provided.
- Gender discrimination
- Gender stereotyping
- Gender analysis
- Gender
- Gender balance
- Traditions
- Norms
- Customs
- Ethics
- Moral values
- Attorney General
- Speaker
- Prime Minister
- Chief Justice
- President of the United Republic
- Promote the protection and conservation of human rights
- Receive allegations and complaints of violation of human rights
- Visit prisons with the view of assessing conditions of prisoners
- Institute legal proceeding to public officials accused of corruption
- Cooperate with agencies of the United Nation in the areas of human rights
- Freedom and unity
- Freedom and work
- Ujamaa and self-reliance
- People and development
- Education for self-reliance
- Courtship
- Cohabitation
- Engagement
- Polygamy
- Extended family
- Village Assembly
- Village committees
- Village council
- Ward development committee
- The prime minister is the ceremonial head of the state
- The king or queen is the ceremonial head of the state
- Ministers are not members of the legislature
- The king or queen have executive powers
- There is no separation of powers of the three government organs
- Excessive speed
- Overtaking errors
- Parking errors
- Reckless driving
- Poor road conditions
- Receive deposit from people
- Advance loans to people
- Provides insurance services to clients
- Agents of money transfer
- Provides business advice to clients
Answer all questions in this section
3. Read the following passage very carefully and then answer the questions that follow
Gender refers to the differences in social roles and relations between males and females. Gender roles are learned through socialization and very widely within and between cultures. Gender discrimination refers to unequal treatment between males and females whereby one gender is given more priority in different opportunities.
Some of the customs which lead to gender discrimination our societies include food taboos. These are practices of restricting a certain group of people from eating certain types of food. For example, some Tanzanian societies do not allow pregnant women to eat eggs or fish.
Another custom that leads to gender discrimination in our societies is the discrimination of women and children in decision making. Women and children are discriminated even on issues that concern their lives, for example, marriage and property ownership. Young girls have been forced to be married while widows are forced to marry brothers of their deceased husbands.
(a) Suggest a suitable title for the passage…………………………………………………………………………
(b) According to the passage, what is gender discrimination?................................................................
(c) How do people learn gender roles?.........................................................................................................
(d) From the passage, list down two customs that leads to gender discrimination……………
(e) How are food taboos carried out in our society?..................................................................................
4. Write short notes on the following;
- Democracy
- Constitution
- Special group
- Citizenship
- Family.
SECTION C. 60 Marks.
Answer any three Questions from this section. Each question carries 20 Marks.
5a) When was the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar took place?
b) Mention two Union matters and two non Union matters.
6. a) What do you understand by “Poverty”?
b) Describe four indicators of poverty in Tanzania.
7. a) What does it mean by “Local government?
b) Write down four sources of local government revenue.
b) Briefly explain four importance of family stabilit
9. a)Define the government
b) Briefly explain three organs of the government
10. a) What do you understand by economic development?
b) Outline four factors for economic development.
11. Tanzania is credited for promoting and broadening the scope of democracy. Give six points to show the validity of this statement
12. Despite the government efforts, the war against poverty in Tanzania is yet to be won. Analyse six root causes of poverty in Tanzania.
13. Identify and explain six traditions and customs which influence the subordination and exploitation of women in Tanzania
Duration: 2:30 Hours
- This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of TEN (10) questions.
- Answer all questions
- All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawing which must be in pencil.
- Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
- Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.
- Where necessary the following constant may be used;
- Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10m/s2
- Density of water = 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3
SECTION A (15 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
1. For each of the items (i)(x), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.
(i) The irregular motion of tiny particles suspended in a fluid is called;
- Mobility
- B. Kinetic motion
- C. Random motion
- D. Brownian motion
(ii) The colours which are added together to produce white light are called complementary colours, which of the following are complementary colours;
- Red and Cyan
- B. Magenta and Blue
- C. Random and motion
- D. Brownian motion
(iii) The property of the material to recover its original shape and size on removal of a stretching force is called;
- Elasticity
- B. Plasticity
- C. Hooke’s law
- D. Cohesively
(iv) A vector has both magnitude and direction and the examples are;
- Work and displacement
- displacement and speed
- speed and momentum
- acceleration and momentum
(v) The laws of vector addition are;
- The triangle law only.
- The triangle law and the polygon law only
- The polygon law, triangle law and the parallelogram law.
- The parallelogram law.
(vi) The forces of 4N and 3N act on a body due East and North respectively. The resultant force is;
- 5N, 36°N.E B. 5N, 45°NE C. 5N, S.W D. 5N, 45°N.E
(vii) The forces F1 = 5N, F2 = 13N and F3 are the equilibrium forces which act on a body as shown in the figure below;
F3 F2
The Magnitude of F3 is;
- 169N B. 18N C. 12N D. 8N
(viii) The relative velocity of a body is the velocity of a body with respect to another;
- body at rest.
- moving body or at rest
- body of smaller mass
- body of higher velocity
(ix) A floating body experiences an upthrust which is equal in magnitude to the;
- Weight of the fluid displaced
- Weight of the fluid which the body floats
- Density of the fluid displaced
- Weight of the body when filled with the displaced fluid
(x) A bus carrying a very big load on its carrier can easily overturn because;
- It cannot run fast
- Its equilibrium is state
- Its centre of gravity is low
- Its centre of gravity is high
2. Match the times in List Awith responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.
- Match the responses in list B with words/ phrases in list A by writing the letter of correct beside the item number;
3. (a) (i)What effect does an increase in temperature have on the density of most liquids?
(ii) Explain the procedure of using methylated spirit, water and a pendulum bob to find the relative density of spirit.
- (i)State Archimedes’ Principle.
(ii) Briefly explain why does a ship sink deeper in fresh water than in sea water?
- When a piece of wood is put in a graduated cylinder containing water, the level of the water rises from 17.7cm3to 18.5cm3. Calculate the
- Mass of a piece of wood.
- Total volume of a piece of wood given that its relative density is 0.60.
4. (a) Define the term friction.
(b) State the advantages and disadvantages of friction.
(c) State the laws of solid friction.
(d) A box of mass 50kg resting on a wooden floor force. Calculate the frictional force if the coefficient of dynamic friction

5. (a) Define pressure and state the SI unit.
(b) A Hare’s apparatus was used in experiment using methanol water the length’s of the methanol and water columns were found to be 16cm and 12cm respectively. Find the relative density of methanol if the length column of the ethanol was altered to 22cm.
6. (a) State and describe two factors on which pressure exerted by the liquid depends.
(b) Hydraulic press has a large circular piston of diameter 0.7M and circular piston to which the effort is applied is 0.2M. A force of 300N is exerted on a small piston. Find the force required to lift the heavy load.
7. (a) Whenever you want to remove a very tight nut from your bicycle you have to choose a longer spanner, why is it so?
(b) A rocket expels gas at the rate of 0.5kg/s. If the force produced by the rocket is 100 newtons, what is the velocity with which the gas is expelled?
8. A vehicle moves from rest with a uniform acceleration of 1.5m/s2 for the first 10s and continues accelerating at 0.5m/s2 for a further 20s. It continues at constant speed for 90s and finally takes 30s to decelerate uniformly to rest.
- Draw a graph of speed against time for the journey.
- From your graph, reduce the total distance travelled.
- What is the average speed of the train for the whole journey?
Answer all questions in this section
9. (a) Mention two conditions for an object to remain in equilibrium when subjected to a number of parallel forces
(b) A uniform bar 100cm long weighing 90g is suspended horizontally by two spring balances each holding the ends x and y. an 80g mass is hang 40cm from the end x. Calculate the reading of each spring balance in grams.
10. (a) Mention two factors affecting pressure in liquids
(b) Calculate pressure exerted by water at the bottom of a pond 76cm deep
(c) Mention any three applications of atmospheric pressure
11. Define the following terms;
- The principal focus of a lens and the focal length.
- State the relationship between the radius of curvature of lens and the focal length.
- A small object is placed 20cm infront of a converging lens whose radius of curvature is 30cm. Find the image position and the magnification.
Duration: 2:30 Hours
- This paper consists of two sections A and B.
- Answer all questions in section A and only Four Questions in Section B
- All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawing which must be in pencil.
- Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
- Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.
- Show clearly all working for each question
SECTION A( 60 %)
- a) 468 – 468 ÷39 + 39 correct to two significant figures
b) Calculate without using mathematical tables
- Make x subject of the formula P=
- By using the substitution t=3x, solve the equation 32(1+x) – 3x=3(x+3)-3
- The size of exterior angle of a regular polygon is 450. Find :
- The number of sides
- The sum of all interior angles
- Find the values of x that satisfy the following equation log(x+5) + log(x + 2)=log4
- A translation T carries the point (1,2) to (-2,8). Find where it map :
- Pont A(-2,2)
- The origin
- The lines with equations 2x=3 – y and 2y + 3x=4 meet at point Q. Find the coordinate of point Q.
- Find two consecutive odd numbers whose product is 195.
- In a class of 31 students, 17 participate in English debate, 12 participate in English and Sports. If every student is required to participate at lest one of the two events. Find the number of students who participate in i) Sport ii) English only.
- A dealer bought 10 books for 400,000/=. He sold 2/5 of them at 40,000/= shillings each and the remaining at 60,000/= shillings each. What was the percentage profit?
- The examination scores in Basic Mathematics of 40 students are given in the following cumulative frequency table.
Class Interval
10 - 19
20 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 49
50 - 59
60 - 69
Cumulative Frequency
- Find the mean using Assumed mean A=44.5
- Calculate median
- Draw histogram and use it to estimate Mode
- a) Consider the figure below where PQ//BC.

ii) If the length of BC=15, PQ=9cm and PB= 6cm. Find the length of AP.
b)Prove that, the sum of two angles of a triangle is equal to exterior angle of the third angle.

b) Determine Domain and range of this relation.
c) Find inverse of this relation.
14 . a) Given f(x) = -x2 + 4x – 5. Find
- Axis of symmetry
- Maximum or minimum value
- Turning point
- Draw the graph of f(x) and use it to solve the equation -x2 + 4x -15 =0
15. The function f is defined as follows:
F(x) =
i) Sketch the graph of f(x) ii) Determine domain and range
iii) Find f(1) ii) f(-4) iii) f(Ï€)
16. Given: Opening Stock 01/01/2012 34,430/=
Closing Stock 31/12/2012 26,720/=
Net purchases during 2012 212,290/=
Expenses for the year 45,880/=
Gross profit is 45% of cost of sold goods.
Find a) Average Stock b) Cost of Sold Goods c) The gross profit d) Net Profit
Duration: 2:30 Hours
- This paper consists of two sections A and B.
- Answer all questions in section A and only Four Questions in Section B
· All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawing which must be in pencil.
· Calculators, cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
· Write your Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.
· Show clearly all working for each question
- This paper consists of section A, B and C.
- Use pencil to draw all the account
- Attempt all the question
Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given
1) Depreciation is
a) The salvage value of fixed assets
b) The amount spent to buy fixed assets
c) The part of cost of the fixed assets consumed during its period of use by the firm
d) The destroyed property
2) Which of the following is nominal account
a) Bank a/c b) Furniture and fittings c) Motor vehicles a/c
d) Motor vehicle running expenses
e) Bank overdraft
3) A firm bought a machine for shs. 50,000/= which had ascrap value of shs 5,000/= and
Useful life of 5 years. What would be the depreciation expenses if straight line method is used
a) shs. 10,000/= b) shs. 11,000/= c) shs. 9,000/=
d) shs. 5,000/= e) shs. 11,500/=
4. Which of the following is a liability
a) Premises b) We owe for goods d) Loan to Hamis
d) Cash at Bank e) Depreciation
5. Gross profit is
a) excess of sales over sales returns c) Cost of sales plus net profit
b) Sale less purchases d) Sales less cost of sales
6. Posting in book-keeping means
a) Making the first entry of double entry transactions
b) Entering items in a cash book
c) Making entries in different books
d) Making the second entry of double
7. When a customer returns goods previously sold to him, the shopkeeper will use a document
a) Invoice b) Credit note c) Pay-in-slip
d) Order note e) Debit note
8. Determine the amount of capital from the following: Premises shs. 20,000/= Loan to Shamir
Shs.17,000/= stock shs. 35,000/= Creditors shs. 5,000/= Loan from Kagose shs. 22,000/=
a) shs. 50,500/= b) shs. 54,000 c) shs. 48,000
d) shs. 45,500/= e) shs. 45,000/=
9. Classify the following into nominal, real and personal account.
Name of account
- Computer
- Motor – van
- Advertising
- Return inward
- Profit
- Rent received
- Television
- Salaries
- Building
- Land
- Transport
- Rosemary
10. Write short notes on the following
a) Double entry
b) Return inwards
c) Carriage inwards
d) Working capital
e) Journal
f) Contra entry
g) Imprest system.
11. Given the following transactions below
1990 January 1. Started business with capital shs. 5,000/=
1990 January 3. Bought goods for cash 1,500/=
1990 January 5. Paid wages in cash shs. 50/=
1990 January 7. Sold goods for cash shs. 3,000/=
1990 January 8. Bought calculator by cash shs. 420/=
1990 January 10. Paid transport by cash shs. 430/=
Required: Enter the above transaction in
- Cash account
- Ledger
- trial balance
12. Enter the following transaction in the necessary ledgers
1st January 1951 – sold goods to Matatizo Tele on credit shs. 7,400/=
1st January 1951 – sold goods to Matatizo Tele on credit shs. 7,400/=
31st January 1951, Matatizo Tele paid his account by shs. 5,800/=
13. Given the following bank statement of Bahatisha Co. Ltd
M. Tabu
J. Bahari
Traders credit
Standing order
Bank charges
52,830 DR
The following extracted of a cash book is also available.
Mdendesi F
Kulwa, A
Hamis, s
M. Tabu
J. Bakari
J. Shoo
Required: Prepare the bank reconciliation statement as at 31st March 1998, starting with the
Balance as per cash book. (Do not adjust the cash book)
Time: 3Hours
- This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of TEN (10) questions.
- Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C
- All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
- Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
- Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)
SECTION A: 25 marks
Answer all questions in this section.
1. For each of the items i-x choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter behind the item number.
(i) Autumn, winter, spring and summer are the result of:-
(a) Monsoon
(b) Lunar eclipse
(c) Rotation
(d) Revolution
(e) Tides
(ii) Which of the following is not a factor influencing temperature of a place?
(a) Aspect
(b) Ocean current
(c) Altitude
(d) Eclipse
(e) Length of a day
(iii) Which among the following features is the impact of water action in the desert?
(a) Yardang
(b) Gullies
(c) Bad lands
(d) Sinkholes
(e) Rock pedestals
(iv) What is the direction of 22

(a) SES
(b) NEN
(c) NWN
(d) SWS
(e) None of the above
(v) Which of the following is formed due to depositional features of the river?
(a) Water fall
(b) Delta
(c) Hanging Valley
(d) Tombolo
(e) Cirque
(vi) The maximum and minimum temperature are obtained from an instrument called?
(a) A barometer
(b) A Six’s thermometer
(c) An anemometer
(d) Kilometer
(vii) The solar system is made up of:-
(a) Sun, planets and interplanetary gases
(b) Atmosphere and hydrosphere
(c) Planets, clouds and gases
(d) Hydrosphere, atmosphere and clouds
(viii) A delta which is formed in a lake is called ………delta
(a) Moraine
(b) Laustrine
(c) Alluvial
(d) Acute
(e) Cuspate
(ix) What is the compass bearing of WNW?
(a) 27

(b) 33

(c) 31

(d) 32

(e) 292.

(x) Destruction, wastage and removal of parts of the earth’s surface;
(a) Denudation
(b) Frost action
(c) Exfoliation
(d) Deposition
2. Match the items in LIST “A” with the responses in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided.
List A
List B
3. (a) What is meant by Moraine erosion?
(b) Describe four (4) processes which are involved in Moraine erosion.
4. Study the data in the following table and answer the questions that follow.
Environmental Workers In Ten Streets Of Arusha City.
(a) Find the range of workers in this city.
(b) Calculate the (i) Mean (ii) Median (iii) Mode of these workers.
(c) Calculate variance and standard deviation of the workers.
5. (a) Describe the following terms;
- distributaries
- lagoon
- levee
(b) Delta is formed under different conditions. Outline three conditions necessary for its formation.
6. Study carefully photograph provided then answer the questions that follows.

(a) Suggest the title of photograph
(b) (i) Name the type of forest seen in the photograph
(ii) Give two characteristics of the forest named in (i)
(c) Outline three ways of interpreting the photograph given
(d) (i) Identify the product in the middle ground of the photograph
(ii) Give two uses of the product in the middle ground of the photograph.
Answer only one question in this part.
7. Explain seven ways of improving tourism Industry in Tanzania.
8. Elaborate the problems hindering development of agriculture sector in Tanzania.
9. Analyze five ways of promoting textile industry in Tanzania.
10. Explain the significance of Natural gas production in Tanzani
Time: 3Hours
- This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of twelve (12) questions.
- Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.
- Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
- Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)
SECTION A (15 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.
(i) Kifimbo drives his car carefully. When does he drive his car?
- He does this every day
- He is doing now
- He did it days ago
- He will do it in days to come
- He has just finished doing it.
(ii) Which sentence among the following is grammatically correct?
- They drawn a picture
- They have drawing a picture
- They draw pictures
- They have been drawn a picture
- They are draw a picture.
(iii) Sarah and her family ____________ most of the people in their town, don’t they?
- Knows
- Have known
- Are knowing
- Knew
- Want
(iv) All what Safina __________ to do now is to get back to school.
- Is wanting
- Wanted
- Has wanted
- Wants
- Want
(v) The Sun __________ in the East, doesn’t it?
- Rise
- Is rising
- Rose
- Rises
- Has risen
(vi) Does money ___________ more money?
- Attract
- Attracts
- Attracting
- Attracted
- Has attracted
(vii) Juliana _________________ the school compound every day.
- Clean
- Is cleaning
- Cleaned
- Has cleaned
- Cleans
(viii) They matched home despite the fact that it was raining. What justifies that the given sentence is in the past form?
- The use of “raining” after the word was.
- The use of –ing in the word raining
- The use of the root “match” in matched
- The use of the phrase despite the fact that.
- The use of particle – ed in the word matched.
(ix) “My heart is beating fast.” What does the underlined part of the word indicate in this sentence?
- The past continuous tense
- Daily routine
- Future activity
- The simple present tense
- Ongoing activity.
(x) “There is a man sitting outside. The man has been waiting for you since morning.”
Why is article “the” used with the word “man” in the second sentence?
- The word man is a unique thing
- The man is a particular person
- The man is mentioned for the second time
- It is used to differentiate it from the first one
- Because the word man is not the same one.
2. Match the clauses in Column A with the phrases in Column B to make meaningful sentences by writing the correct letter in B against the corresponding item number in A.
i. Hard working people are not ready to waste time
ii. The factory workers are on strike.
iii. Most schools will close down
iv. Teachers won’t do that
v. As a teacher I am not supposed to misbehave
vi. I always meet you here
A. Aren’t they?
B. Am I?
C. Will they?
D. Don’t I
E. Don’t they?
F. Are they?
G. Won’t they?
H. Do I?
I. Aren’t
SECTION B (40 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section
4. Write in which tense does each expression belongs.
(i) The fault in the machine was located by the engines.
(ii) His enemies have killed him
(iii) Liquids keep their level
(v) Down went the vessel into the sea.
5. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer from the alternative given.
(i) My sister is the__________ girl in our village.
a) Beauty b) Most beautiful c) More beautifully
(ii) It is the _________ Mountain in Africa
a) Bigger b) Biggest c) Big
(iii) She is the __________ student in form II class.
a) Good b) Better c) Best
(iv) Juma is ____________ than Hamisi.
a) More handsome b) Most handsome c) Handsome
6. Identify the words in the box and write them along the sentence.
i) A place where students are taught______________
ii) Someone who cuts and collect crops in the field____________
iv) When the crops in the field are cut and collected __________
v) A talk or conversation about something___________
Scar, suffer, Harvest, sickle, beggar, discussion, school, reaper, plantation.
7. Consider that you have witnessed a serious accident on your way to school. Use the following words to construct a sentence for each to describe the accident.
- Bad
- Injured
- Terrible
- Horrible
8. Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
The English say “necessity is the mother of inventions. This is because all the Major discoveries and inventions are caused by the need to solve certain problem. Whether invented the spoon may fallen sick several times because of eating with dirty hands. Similarly airplanes were inverted because people want to travel faster. In other words when there is a problem people begin to think of a solution.
Now we know that sea water is very salty. If you live on an island which surrounded by salty sea water would you allow yourself to go thirsty? It was probably from someone who lived near the sea water would you allow yourself to go thirsty? It was probably from someone who lived near the sea and went thirst many years and days that the idea of distillation came. We can get fresh water for drinking from salty water through distillation.
First put five liters of water in to a metal container and mix it with about one kilo of salt and stir the water until the salt is completely dissolved.
Secondly, pour the solution into a metal container that has a tight lid. The lid should have a hole where a narrow pipe should be fixed. Let the middle length of this pipe be put in a basin of cold water. The other end of this pipe should be directed to a clean, empty container.
Thirdly, put a source of heat for example a gas cooker flame, under the metal container the water and salt, now observe what happens. This experiment should strictly be done as instructed.
When the salt and water is heated, vapor are cream is formed. This vapor passes through the pipe and is cooled by the cold water in the basin. When this happens we say condensation has taken place and vapor which is gas became liquid. This liquid is lastly collected in a container.
As the salt and water solution continues being heated all that will remain is salt. Fresh drinking water on the other hand will be collected at the other hand. The salt and the water will once again be separated. When people who live near sea run short of drinking water they can resort to this simple distillation and quench their thirst.
(a) What is the best title for the passage?
(b) Why makes people to invent things?
(c ) According to the passage, how can we get fresh water from salty water?
(d ) Why was the spoon invented?
(e) What do we call the process of removing salt from water?
SECTION C (45 Marks)
Answer three (3) questions from this section
9. Imagine that you’re the first candidate who performed well this English Examination. The head of school has awarded you 50,000/= shillings. In about 250 words, explain how you feel and how you will spend the money.
A Wreath for Fr. Mayer - S. N. Ndunguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota
Unanswered Cries - Osman Conteh, Macmillan
Passed Like a Shadow - B. M. Mapalala (2006), DUP
Spared - S. N. Ndunguru (2004), Mkuki na Nyota
Weep Not Child - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1987); Heinemann
The Interview - P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan
Three Suitors: One Husband - O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen
The Lion and the Jewel - W. Soyinka (1963), OUP
This Time Tomorrow - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972), Heinemann
The Black Hermit - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1968), Heinemann
Songs of Lawino and Ocol - O. P’Bitek (1979), EAPH
Growing up with Poetry - D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989), Heinemann
Summons - R. Mabala (1960), TPH
10. Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follow:
Thin and red
Skinny and bald
The boy groans on the ground
Swollen stomach
Full of waste
Thin legs
As the boy
Fights with flies
Over the empty plate.
Ten years old
He looks older than ten
And younger than
And so small
As he wriggles
Of his unproportioned body
“ Mother” shouted the boy
When I grow up
I will carry a gun
And not a pen
“My son” shouted the mother
You will never live to carry a gun
There is no meat for us.
(a) What is the poem about?
(b) Who is the persona?
(c) What is the mood of the persona?
(d) How many stanzas are in the poem?
(e) How many verses does the poem have?
(f) What are the possible two themes in this poem?
(g) Briefly explain the relevance of the two themes mentioned in (f) above to your society.
(h) What does the word “gun” symbolize?
(i) What do we learn from this poem?
(j) What type of poem is this?
12. By using two Novels that you have read, discuss the themes (four (4) themes) from each book and show their relevance to your society.
13. For changes to take place, conflict is inevitable, Discuss using two plays under this section.
NAME………………………………….………………..CLASS…………………………….……………TIME: 3HRS
1.This paper consists of sections A,B and C
2.Answer all questions in all sections
3.Whenever necessary, the following constructs may be used.
- Atomic masses : O= 16, Na= 23, S=32,H=1, K=39, Al= 27,
- GMV at STP = 22.4dm3
- Avogadro’s constant = 6.02 x 1023
- 1litre = 1dm3= 1000cm3.
SECTION A (15 marks)
- Write the letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet (s) provided for each of the following questions (i) to (x).
- All domestic utensils made of iron undergo rusting when exposed to:-
- Air and fire
- Air and oil
- Air and water
- Water and oil
- When a small amount of common salt is dissolved in a glass of water the mixture formed is:-
- Heterogeneous
- Homogenous
- Immiscible
- Suspension
- A chemist should acquire all of the following skills EXCEPT:-
- Experimentation
- Observation
- Problem identification
- Surgery
- An important property of oxygen which distinguishes it from other gases is that it:-
- Burns and supports combustion
- Burns but does not support combustion
- Neither burns nor support combustion
- Support combustion but does not burn
- The process of chlorination in water treatment aims at:-
- Forming suspension
- Killing micro- organisms
- Making syrup
- Removing bad odour
- One of the following is not correct about coke being a better fuel than coal as it:-
- Does not produce carbon dioxide gas
- Does not produce poisonous gas
- Has a higher heat content
- Is clean and smokeless
- Class E fire can best be extinguished by using:-
- Carbon dioxide
- Fire blanket
- Sand
- Water
- The following is a set of apparati which are used for heating:-
- Crucible, test tube, evaporating dish
- Evaporating dish, tongs, crucible
- Test tube, evaporating dish, tongs
- Tongs, crucible, test tube.
- Which of the following methods can be used to get oil from cotton seeds?
- Decantation
- Distillation
- Grinding and distillation
- Grinding followed by squeezing
- Which of the following apparati is suitable for measuring volumes of smaller quantities of liquids?
- Beaker
- Burette
- Conical flask
- Measuring cylinder
- Match each item in list A with response in list B by writing its correct letter to the number of corresponding item in the answer sheet(s) provided.
SECTION B (70 marks)
- (a) Define the term “neutralization reaction” (give one example)
(b) Write down the names and formulae of three common acids in the laboratory.
(c ) What is an indicator? Give four (4) examples of acid- base indicators.
(d) Write down the products formed when each of following pairs of compounds react:
(i) Acid and metal
(ii) Acid and metal carbonate
- (a) Complete and balance the molecular equations for the following reactions:-

(b) Write a balanced chemical equation and its corresponding ionic equation for the reaction between dilute sulphuric acid and:-
- Sodium hydroxide solution.
- Zinc granules.
N.B. show all the state symbols.
- (a) Define the terms (i) Mole (ii) Molar mass
(b) Calculate the molar mass of (i) Al2 (SO4)3 (ii) Na2 CO3 10H2O
( c) State the Avogadro’s law
(d) How many oxygen molecules are there in 20cm3 of oxygen gas at STP?
- (a) (i) Name any four heat sources in the chemistry laboratory
(ii) Name two types of flames produced by the Bunsen burner
(iii)How do the two above mentioned flames differ?
(b) Write down four (4) careers that are a result of studying chemistry.
- The diagram below represents the laboratory preparation of oxygen, study the diagram and then answer the questions which follow:-

- (i) Label the parts indicated with letters A, B, C, D in the diagram
(ii) Does Oxygen burn? Why?
- The formula of manganese (iv) oxide is MnO2 and that of hydrogen peroxide is H2O2. Which compound produces oxygen?
- (i) What is the name of the method of collection the gas?
(ii) Explain the meaning of catalyst.
(iii)How can you test for oxygen?
- Study the following part of the periodic table and then answer the questions that follows.
Note: The letters used are not the scientific symbols for the elements concerned.
| |||||||
| ||
| |||||||
| |||||
- Identify and write down the electronic configuration for the elements K,N,P and L
- What type of bond will exist in a compound formed when Q combines with L? write the chemical formula for the compound formed and list two chemical properties of the compound formed.
9. (a) Write the chemical symbols for beryllium, boron, neon, nitrogen and phosphorus.
(b) Why some of the elements in 9(a) are assigned symbols with only one letter while others bear symbols with two letters?
10. (a) Give three advantages of using chemical equations over word equations.
(b) You are provided with a compound composed of 22.2% zinc, 11.6% sulphur, 22.3% oxygen, and the rest percentage is water of crystallization. Calculate the molecular formula of the compound if its molecular mass is 283
11. (a) Which ways are the fossil fuels detrimental to the environment? Give four points.
(b) Briefly explain how biogas is produced by using domestic waste.
12. (a) Write the IUPAC names of the following compounds
- NaClO3
- K1O3
- NaH
- Ca(NO3)
- NO
(b) Write the chemical formula of the following compounds
(i) Lead (II) chloride
(ii) Aluminium hydride
(iii) Sodium hydrogen phosphate (v)
(iv) Sulphur oxide (VI)
(v) Ammonium chloride
SECTION C (15 Marks)
Answer one (1) question from this section.
13. (a) Differentiate between basic salt and acidic salt.
(b) Categorize the following salts;
i. PbSO4 ii. MgHSO4 iii. Zn(OH)Cl iv. MgHCO3
v. NH4HSO4 vi. Ba(NO3)2
(c) 1.16g of magnesium was allowed to react with excess dilute sulphuric acid. What
volume of Hydrogen gas at STP was liberated.
14. (a) Define the following;
- Molarity
- Standard solution
- Equivalent point of titration
- End point
(b) On titration 20cm3 of a solution containing 2.65g per 500cm3 of A2CO3, exactly
react with 20cm3 of 0.1M hydrochloric acid solution. Write balanced equation;
- Molarity of A2CO3
- Molar mass of A2CO3
- Atomic mass of A
- Identify element A
Time: 3Hours
- This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of fifteen (15) questions.
- Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) question2 from section C of which question 13 is compulsory.
- All writing should be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
- Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
- Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)
- Answer all questions this section writes your answers in the boxes provided.
- A blood vessel that start from the ileum to the liver.
- Mesenteric vein
- Mesenteric artery
- Hepatic artery
- Hepatic portal vein
- Hepatic vein.
- Stores waste products after they have been recycled:-
- Cartilage
- Tendons
- Bones
- Seeds
- muscles
- Kills bacterial (bad) in the stomach
- Sulphurous acid
- Sulphuric acid
- Nitric acid
- Nitric acid
- Hydrochloric acid
- Sensitive to strong light intensity
- Cones
- Rods
- Optic nerve
- Blind spot
- Sclerotic layer
- There is a lot of absorption of water but merely no digestion of food.
- Ileum
- Colon
- Duodenum
- Stomach
- Rectum
- A semi – permeable membrane during osmosis allows the passage of:-
- Only very small solute molecule
- Little residue molecules
- Water molecules
- Solute molecules
- Much solute molecules.
- The largest artery in the body of man is known as:-
- Renal artery
- Renal vein
- Vena cava
- Aorta
- Pulmonary artery.
- A set of micronutrients in plants.
- Nitrogen, zinc and Iodine
- Carbon, zinc and copper
- Oxygen, carbon and zinc
- Magnesium, carbon and zinc
- Zinc, copper and iodine.
- A set of smallest bones in the mammalian body:-
- Vertebrae, carpals and digits
- Hammer, anvil and stirrup
- Vertebrae, tarsus and digits
- Metacarpals, tarsus and vertebrae
- Tarsus, carpals and metatarsals.
- Breathing pores in the stem:-
- Parenchyma
- Alveoli
- Lenticels
- Stomata
- Micropyle.
- Question two is a matching type question. Questions are in column A answers are in column B. select the best answer and writes its item letter in the boxes below.
SECTION B (60 Marks)
3. In the Biology laboratory there are different apparatuses and equipment used for conducting experiments. Draw the apparatus used for;
- Putting specimens for close observation
- Grinding or crushing substances in the laboratory
- Adding liquids during an experiment drop by drop
- Scooping powder or crystalline substance.
4. (a) What is a dental formula?
(b) Mention the name of the hardest part of a mammalian tooth and indicate clearly its function.
5. (a) Distinguish between artery and vein in terms of physical appearance.
(b) Give a concrete reasons of your answer in Q5 (a) above as to why each is of that nature.
6. (a) Differentiate between good manners and personal Hygiene .
(b) In each case, in Q 3(a) above supply two examples.
7. Write short notes to the following technical phrases.
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Sexually transmitted infections.
- Differences between infections and diseases
- Symbiotic Nitrogen fixers
- Specific examples of symbiotic Nitrogen fixers
8. (a) Tell the adaptation of the Skelton (4 of them)
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(b)Draw and label correctly the hind limb of a mammal
9. (a) What is
- Respiration
- Oxygen dept
b) Write balanced symbol equation for;
i) Aerobic respiration
ii) Anaerobic respiration in yeast and plant tissue
- Anaerobic respiration in muscle cells.
10. How does monocotyledon differ from dicotyledonous plants?
11. Ringing in plants involves removal of the bark of tree. This hinders communication between upper and lower parts of plant. In three points, briefly elaborate the impact of ringing on the stem of hibiscus plant.
12. (a) Give two differences between cell membrane and cell wall.
(b) Why is cell differentiation important to living organisms? Give a reason.
SECTION C 25 Marks
Answer only one question from this section.
13. Write down and essay entitled “reproduction in flowering plants” – using the following guidelines:-
- Definition of pollination
- Four agents of pollination
- Changes that take place inside a flower after effective pollination till when a viable seed or fruit is formed.
14. Majority of people believe that all fungi are harmful organisms. As a biologist, explain four ways in which fungi are beneficial to human being.
15. Write down an Essay on “Excretion in Plants” using the following guidelines:-
- Why excretory products in plants are recycled inside the particular plant.
- Products formed after recycling
- The role of leaves during excretion
- How seed and fruits become excretory organs besides reproduction.
TIME: 7:00HRS 2019.
NAME ________________________________________ CLASS:______________
- This paper consists of sections A,B and C with a total of 14 questions.
- Answer all the questions in sections A and B and three questions from section C
- Write your name and class in the spaces provided above.
- All writings must be in blue or black ink
- Neat work will be rewarded.
Answer all questions in this section
- For each of the items (i-x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the boxes provided.
i) A school authority which discourages female students to opt for technical subjects is likely to be influenced by:
- Gender discrimination
- Gender stereotyping
- Gender analysis
- Gender
- Gender balance
ii) The experiences of the past which are inherited by the society and are unchangeable are called:
- Traditions
- Norms
- Customs
- Ethics
- Moral values
iii) The leader of government business in the parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania is the:
- Attorney General
- Speaker
- Prime Minister
- Chief Justice
- President of the United Republic
iv) Which of the following is not a function of the commission for Human Rights and Good Governance in Tanzania?
- Promote the protection and conservation of human rights
- Receive allegations and complaints of violation of human rights
- Visit prisons with the view of assessing conditions of prisoners
- Institute legal proceeding to public officials accused of corruption
- Cooperate with agencies of the United Nation in the areas of human rights
v) The national motto of the United Republic of Tanzania inscribed on the coat of arms is:
- Freedom and unity
- Freedom and work
- Ujamaa and self-reliance
- People and development
- Education for self-reliance
vi) A custom of having more than one wife is known as:
- Courtship
- Cohabitation
- Engagement
- Polygamy
- Extended family
vii) Which of the following organ is responsible for planning and coordinating village activities?
- Village Assembly
- Village committees
- Village council
- Ward development committee
viii) The important feature of the constitutional monarchy is:
- The prime minister is the ceremonial head of the state
- The king or queen is the ceremonial head of the state
- Ministers are not members of the legislature
- The king or queen have executive powers
- There is no separation of powers of the three government organs
ix) Bus accidents in Tanzania are caused by both human and external factors. The external factors include:
- Excessive speed
- Overtaking errors
- Parking errors
- Reckless driving
- Poor road conditions
x) Which of the following is not a core function of commercial Banks in Tanzania?
- Receive deposit from people
- Advance loans to people
- Provides insurance services to clients
- Agents of money transfer
- Provides business advice to clients
- Match the items in LIST A with the correct responses in LIST B by writing a letter of the corresponding response in the boxes provided below:
i) The interim union of Zanzibar and Tanganyika constitution enacted
ii) The Zanzibar independence constitution enacted
iii) The Tanganyika Republican constitution enacted
iv) The Tanganyika independence constitution enacted
v) The interim constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania was replaced by a permanent one
Answer all questions in this section
- a) When was the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar took place?
b) Mention two Union matters and two non Union matters.
- a) What do you understand by “Poverty”?
b) Describe four indicators of poverty in Tanzania.
- a)Define democracy according to it’s etymology
b) Show four principles of democracy
- a) What does it mean by “Local government?
b) Write down four sources of local government revenue.
- a) What is improper behavior?
b) Outline the consequences of improper behavior among the youth in Tanzania by giving four points.
- a)Define family stability
b) Briefly explain four importance of family stability
- a)Define the government
b) Briefly explain three organs of the government
- a) What do you understand by economic development?
b) Outline four factors for economic development.
Answer three (3) questions from this section
- Tanzania is credited for promoting and broadening the scope of democracy. Give six points to show the validity of this statement.
- Despite the government efforts, the war against poverty in Tanzania is yet to be won. Analyse six root causes of poverty in Tanzania.
- Identify and explain six traditions and customs which influence the subordination and exploitation of women in Tanzania.
- The industrial sector plays a key role in the economy of any country. Give six points to illustrate the importance of small scale industries to people’s development in the rural areas in Tanzania.