1. Choose the most correct answer.
- The term Geography refers to:
- Describing of the Earth
- Geo and Graphien
- The study of man and his surroundings
- All of the above.
(ii) Geomorphology is regarded as;
- The study of soil science
- The study of Geology
- The study of physical features
- The study of flora and fauna.
(iii) Geography is sub – divided into;
- Practical, Human, Economic.
- Physical, Practical, Demography
- Human – economic, practical and physical.
- Practical, Survey, Statistics.
(iv) Agriculture, mining, lumbering can be studied in:
- Physical Geography.
- Human and economic Geography.
- Plant Geography.
- Practical and physical Geography.
(v) Geography as a discipline can be applied in;
- Nursing
- Surveying
- Medicine
- Cookery.
(vi) A branch of human – economic Geography that deals with the study of human population is called.
- Biogeography
- Demography
- Geography
- Geology.
(vii) The following is a set of sub – braches of physical geography except?
- Biography, climatology, pedology.
- Geomorphology, pedology, climatology.
- Pedology, biogeography, biography.
- None of the above.
(viii) Geography helps the learner to acquire the following things in his/her life except.
- Knowledge and skills
- Understanding their environment
- Guessing future events.
- Conserve their environment.
(ix) Physical geography studies about;
- Mining, fishing, farming.
- Climate, rocks and water bodies.
- Lumbering, Agriculture, mining.
- All of the above.
(x) The study of physical features is called?
- Geomorphology
- Geology
- Biogeography
- Flora and fauna
2. Match the items from list A with those in list B.
3. Write TRUE for a correct statement and FALSE for incorrect statement.
- The study of Geography does not involve human evolution and his surrounding_______
- Climatology is a branch of practical geography that deals with atmospheric conditions studied for a long period of time___________
- Demography deals with economic activities__________
- Research is a branch of practical geography that deals with a systematic investigation____
- Environment is what surrounds us_________
- The study of rocks is called geology______
- Geography is originated from Greek words Geo and Graphien_______
- Biogeography studies the distribution of plants and animals______
- If you undertake the knowledge of Geography you might be a geologist___________
4. Define the term Biogeography
5. Show briefly interrelationship between geography and disciplines.
6. Write short notes on;
- Pedology
- Practical geography
- Geology
- Human – economic geography.
7. Explain in short importance of Geography.
8. Identify four things which are found in the environment.
TOPIC : 1 Geo
1. Geography is the stud of:-
1. Living and non – living things
2. Man and his environment.
3. The earth as a home of man
4. Drawing and measuring.
2. Physical Geography deals with:-
1. Map reading and Interpretation
2. Human population and settlement.
3. Agriculture and Mining.
4. Climatic pattern and soil
3. Which of the following is not an aspect of geography?
1. Map reading and photography
2. Different land forms
3. Human and economic activities
4. Human rights.
4. The concept of Geography is a combination of two Greek words, ‘Geo’ and ‘Graphein’. The word ‘Geo’ means?
1. Describe
2. Map
3. Earth
4. Draw
5. Geography is divided into three branches; physical, human and economic geography and_____
1. Practical geography
2. Weather and climate geography
3. Maps and statistic geography
4. Graphein geography
6. Which of the following is not true about the importance of studying geography
1. It develops awareness of our country and our heritage
2. It expands our knowledge of employment opportunities.
3. It provides knowledge on the origin effects and how to solve various environmental problems.
4. It is based on the absence of some of the interesting features in our country that are supposed to be studied.
7. List down four skills that can be obtained from learning geography
a) ………………………………………………….
b) ………………………………………………….
c) ………………………………………………….
d) ………………………………………………….
8. The word “Geography” has it origin in Greek language. It is combination of two Greek words_____________ and ______________. The word____________ means______________ and the word__________________ means_________________
9. Mention three branches of geography
a) ………………………………………………………
b) ………………………………………………………
c) ………………………………………………………
10. Give the meaning of the following geographical terms:-
a) Geography
b) Physical geography
c) Regional geography
d) Practical geography
11. List down five human and economic activities
a) …………………………………………………..
b) ………………………………………………….
c) …………………………………………………
d) …………………………………………………
e) …………………………………………………
1. The Central body of the solar system is?
1. The planet
2. The Sun
3. The Moon
4. The Earth
2. The spinning of the earth on its own axis is known as:-
1. Rotation
2. Revolution
3. Day and night
4. Distance
3. A ship moves to the West and cross the International data line. What happens with regard to time gained or lost?
1. No time is gained or lost
2. One whole day is lost
3. One whole day is gained
4. One whole day is repeated
4. The four seasons which occur on the earth’s surface are as a result of________
1. Rotation of the earth
2. Ferrell’s law
3. The tilting of the earth on its own axis.
4. Revolution of the earth.
5. Which of the following gives the proof that the earth is spherical in shape?
1. Circumnavigation of the earth, solar eclipse and lunar eclipse.
2. Ship’s visibility, lunar eclipse and aerial photograph
3. Great circles, longitudes and small circles.
4. Lunar eclipse, the planets and the earth’s orbit.
If it is 3:00 pm at Bukoba 33 E in Tanzania, what will be the time at
Tehran 50
E in Iran?
1. 10:00 a.m.
2. 4:00 pm
3. 4:32 pm
4. 10:00 pm
7. Which is the main source of solar energy?
1. Moon
2. Sun
3. Mercury
4. Comets
8. The solar system comprises of the Sun and _________ planets which revolve around the Sun in elliptical orbits.
1. Eight
2. Nine
3. Ten
4. Seven
9. The satellite of the earth is___________
1. Sun
2. The Solar system
3. Moon
4. Mercury
10. The Earth rotates once in every 24 hours. These results in
1. Seasons
2. Days and nights
3. Solar eclipse
4. Great Circles.
11. Movement of the earth around the Sun is referred to as__________
1. Evolution
2. Rotation
3. Motion
4. Revolution.
12. If one travels East wards across the International Date Line, he or she_________
1. Loses a day
2. Gains a day
3. Gains half a day
4. Remains the same day.
13. When it is winger in the Northern hemisphere in November, December and January, it is_________ in the Southern hemisphere during the same months.
1. Autumn
2. Summer
3. Spring
4. Winter
14. Write TRUE for the correct statement and FALSE for the incorrect statement.
a) The Earth’s orbit is more spherical than elliptical in shape
b) The moon generates light during the night
c) Geography deals with Earth’s features only
d) Mercury is the largest planet in the solar system
e) Equator is the line which divides the earth into two equal hemispheres
f) The solar system contains the sun and its planets which revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits.
g) The Greet word “Geo” in the concept of Geography refers to: draw, write about or describe the earth.
h) The term geography can be defined as the study of the earth as a home of man and other living organisms.
i) Physical geography is concerned with field study, photography work, map work and statistics.
j) One of the importance of studying geography is to understand the social and geographical problems and how to solve them.
k) Mercury which is the smallest planet, is the nearest to the Sun.
l) The Sun is the planet which occupies the third position from the earth in the Solar System.
m) Meteors are solid heavenly bodies revolving around the Sun mostly between the orbits of mars and Jupiter.
n) Longitude is the angular distance measured in degrees East or West of the prime meridian.
o) When the earth is nearest to the Sun, it is known as perihelion.
15. (a) Name five elements of the solar system.
(i) …………………………………………………………………………..
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………..
(iii) ………………………………………………………………………….
(iv) ………………………………………………………………………….
(v) ………………………………………………………………………….
(b) List down two important Great circles
(i) ………………………………………………………………………..
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………..
(c) Mention two types of eclipses.
(i) ……………………………………………………………………….
(ii) ……………………………………………………………………….
16. Differentiate between the following geographical terms.
a) Aphelion and perihelion
b) Longitude and Latitude.
c) Umbra and penumbra.
d) Lunar and solar eclipse.
17. Explain for (4) reasons to prove that the earth rotates on its own axis.
a) …………………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………………
c) …………………………………………………………………
d) …………………………………………………………………
18. Why is International Date Line not straight at a certain point?
19. Give five evidences to prove the earth’s shape
a) ………………………………………………………………
b) ………………………………………………………………
c) ………………………………………………………………
d) ………………………………………………………………
e) ………………………………………………………………
20. If the local time (Mean) of
Mogadishi (Republic of Somalia) 45
E is 12:35pm, what will be the local
mean time of Mwanza (United Republic of Tanzania) 36
1. Which of the following groups are features of the Ocean floor?
1. Ridge, basin, plateau and water fall.
2. Continental shelf, basin and water fall
3. Ocean ridge, continental shelf and continental slope
4. Horst, plain, basin and volcano
2. What and air currents do not move in straight lines due to spinning effect of the earth. The term used to describe this situation is?
1. Defletion
2. Reflection
3. Direction
4. Deflection
3. Fold Mountains are a result of?
1. Tensional forces
2. Gravitational forces
3. Compressional forces
4. Natural forces.
4. The highest part of the wave is called?
1. Crest
2. Wave length
3. Trough
4. Tide
5. The flow of water over the ground is known as:-
1. Run – off.
2. Drainage
3. Tributaries
4. Underground water
6. Dormant volcanic mountains are those which
1. Have never experienced eruption.
2. Have erupted once but are no longer active.
3. Continue to erupt occasionally
4. Erupt only when there is an earth quake.
7. Ocean currents are set in motion by?
1. Difference in temperature of water in the ocean.
2. The earth’s rotation on its axis
3. Prevailing wind that blows over the ocean.
4. Differences in density of water in the ocean.
8. Millions of years ago, the present continents were united to a single land mass known as:-
1. Pangea
2. Eurasia
3. Laurasia
4. Gondwanaland
9. Geographers regard land masses formed by Europe and Asia as a single continent known as
1. Pangea
2. Laurasia
3. Eurasia
4. Gondwanaland.
10. The second largest continent in the world is
1. Asia
2. Africa
3. North America
4. Antarctica
11. The coldest continent in the world is
1. Europe
2. Iceland
3. Oceania
4. Australia.
12. Hills, Mountains, Plateaus, plains and valleys make up
1. Continent of Africa.
2. Relief of the earth’s surface
3. Lowland
4. Landscape evolution
13. Block Mountains are formed by
1. Tensional forces
2. Compressional forces
3. Non of the above
4. Both tensional and compressional forces.
14. The following is a set of block mountains except
1. Rwenzori, Vosges and Uluguru.
2. Ulugur, Usambara and Vosges.
3. Vosges, Drakensnberg and Himalayas
4. Vosges, Kilimanjaro and Rwenzori.
15. Mountains which are formed by the process of denudation are referred to as:-
1. Fold mountains
2. Residual mountains
3. Block mountains
4. Volcanic Moutains
16. A major land mass rising from the ocean floor is referred to as
1. Gulf
2. Continent
3. Isthmus
4. Strait.
17. A body of land completely surrounded by water is referred to as the
1. Gulf
2. Strait
3. Island
4. Cape
18. The land surface occupies percent of the surface of the earth.
1. 29
2. 71
3. 50
4. 79
19. The land surface of the earth formed how many continents?
1. Five
2. Six
3. Seven
4. Eight
20. Which type of mountains are formed when a movement in the earth’s crust forces the rocks to break and form faults?
1. Block Mountains
2. Fold Mountains
3. Residual Mountains
4. Volcanic Mountains.
21. Which one of the following is the largest ocean in the world?
1. Southern Ocean
2. Indian Ocean
3. Atlantic Ocean
4. Pacific Ocean
22. Name four relief features of the ocean flow
a) ………………………………………………………….
b) ………………………………………………………….
c) ………………………………………………………….
d) ………………………………………………………….
23. Identify two types of ocean Currents
a) …………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………
24. Study the map below carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
a) Name the continents A, B, C, D and F
b) Name the Oceans 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
c) From question (a) above:
(i) Which is the second largest continent?
(ii) Which continent is
continent is bordered by the ocean 1 in the West and North?
(iii) Which continent is bordered by Pacific Ocean in the East and is joined to another continent by the panama Isthmus?
25. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FASLE if the statement is incorrect.
a) Africa is the third largest continent in the world.
b) Dormant volcanoes are those which still experience periodic eruptions
c) Saltiness of the ocean is the same every where
d) Kilimanjaro Mountain is a good example of Block Mountains
e) Ocean water has uniform temperature from top to bottom.
26. List down five seas in the world
(i) ………………………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………………………
(iii) ………………………………………………………
(iv) ……………………………………………………..
(v) …………………………………………………….
27. Name five lakes in East Africa
(i) ……………………………………………………………..
(ii) ……………………………………………………………..
(iii) ……………………………………………………………..
(iv) ……………………………………………………………..
(v) ……………………………………………………………...
28. Draw and name major distributions of ocean currents of the world.
29. Explain how different mountains are formed.
30. Define the following.
a) An ocean ridge
b) Continental slope
c) Lake
d) Basin
e) Water body
1. Which one of the following is not an element of weather?
1. Temperature
2. Pressure
3. Mesosphere
4. Humidity
2. The following are the characteristics of a maximum thermometer. Which one is not?
1. It is made of a metal index
2. It is filled with mercury
3. It is made of glass bulbs
4. It is filled by hydrogen elements.
3. If the temperature of station X with
an altitude of 600M above sea level is 32
. What will be the temperature of
station P with height of 1800M above the sea level?
4. The graph which shows both temperature and rainfall is referred to as:-
1. Combined graph
2. Histology
3. Histogram
4. Double graph
5. The state of the atmosphere in relation to the amount of water vapour is referred to as:-
1. Humidity
2. Rainfall
3. Atmosphere
4. Precipitation.
6. When the readings of the six’s thermometer show the same reading, the maximum and minimum columns indicates that
1. Humidity is high
2. Humidity is low.
3. Air is saturated
4. Air is not saturated
7. The kind of rainfall which is formed due to radiation is
1. Convectional rainfall
2. Relief rainfall
3. Cyclonic rainfall
4. Orographic rainfall.
8. The low pressure zone of the equator is known as:-
1. Latitude
3. Horse latitudes
4. Polar front
9. The instrument at the weather station which is painted white and is used for storing other weather instruments is known as a
1. Barometer
2. Wind vane
3. Stevenson screen
4. Rain gauge.
10. The condition of the atmosphere which occurs at a place at a specific period of time, say from hour to hour or day to day is referred to as
1. Temperature
2. Climate
3. Weather
4. Clouds
11. Which of the following is not an element of weather?
1. Humidity
2. Precipitation
3. Sunshine
4. Climate
12. A place where all the elements of weather are measured and recorded is called
1. An airport
2. A weather station
3. A bus station
4. A railway station
13. The degree of heat of a body measured by a thermometer and expressed in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit scales is called?
1. Temperature
2. Heat
3. Humidity
4. Pressure.
14. Which one of the following pairs is incorrect about instruments used to measure some elements of weather?
1. Temperature = Thermometer
2. Wind speed = Wind vane
3. Humidity = Hydrometer
4. Rainfall = Rain gauge
15. Mean temperature for a month of a particular year is
1. The average of the maximum and minimum temperature
2. The difference between the maximum and the minimum temperature.
3. The sum of all mean temperature for thirty days.
4. The sum of the mean daily temperature divided by the total number of days in that month.
16. The lines which are drawn to connect place with the same mean monthly temperature are known as
1. Isohyets
2. Isotherms
3. Isobars
4. Isohels
17. The amount of water vapour in the atmosphere that indicates the degree of dampness of the air is known as
1. Humidity
2. Heat
3. Temperature
4. Rainfall
18. Atmospheric pressure is measured by an instrument called
1. Anemometer
2. Stevenson screen
3. Barometer
4. Campbell stokes sunshine records.
19. Water vapour is turned into water droplets by the process of
1. Transpiration
2. Precipitation
3. Condensation
4. Evaporation
20. Assign the instruments names which are used to measure the following weather elements
a) Rainfall
b) Temperature
c) Wind speed
d) Wind direction
e) Cloud cover
f) Humidity
g) Sunshine
21. Answer the following questions per the given instructions:-
a) Mention three kinds of rainfall
(i) ………………………………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………………………………
(iii) ………………………………………………………………
b) Name five weather elements in your locality
(i) ……………………………………………………………….
(ii) ……………………………………………………………….
(iii) ……………………………………………………………….
(iv) ………………………………………………………………..
(v) ………………………………………………………………..
c) Identify four characteristics of a six’s thermometer.
(i) ……………………………………………………………
(ii) ……………………………………………………………….
(iii) …………………………………………………………………
(iv) …………………………………………………………………
d) Give five factors which control the distribution of temperature
(i) ………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………
(iii) ………………………………………………………………………
(iv) ……………………………………………………………………….
(v) ………………………………………………………………………..
e) State four types of clouds
(i) ………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………
(iii) ………………………………………………………………………
(iv) ……………………………………………………………………….
f) List five equipments found in the weather station.
(i) ……………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………
(iii) …………………………………………………………………………….
(iv) …………………………………………………………………………….
(v) ……………………………………………………………………………
g) Mention four importance of weather forecasting
(i) ………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………
(iii) ………………………………………………………………………
(iv) ……………………………………………………………………….
h) Name the instruments used to measure and record the following elements of weather.
(i) Temperature
(ii) Rainfall
(iii) Atmospheric pressure
(iv) Wind speed
(v) Wind direction
(vi) Clouds
(vii) Humidity
(viii) Sunshine
i) Name the lines on the maps used to show the distributions of the following elements of weather.
(i) Rainfall
(ii) Temperature
(iii) Humidity
(iv) Pressure
j) List the components of a Stevenson screen.
(i) ………………………………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………………………………
(iii) ………………………………………………………………
(iv) ………………………………………………………………
(v) ……………………………………………………………….
k) Mention the features of a Stevenson screen
(i) …………………………………………………………….
(ii) ………………………………………………………………
(iii) ……………………………………………………………….
l) Outline the importance of pressure in human life.
(i) …………………………………………………………..
(ii) ……………………………………………………………
(iii) ……………………………………………………………
m) Outline the importance of weather forecasting
(i) …………………………………………………………….
(ii) …………………………………………………………….
(iii) ,…………………………………………………………….
n) Give any five factors that affect the distribution of rainfall.
(i) …………………………………………………………….
(ii) …………………………………………………………….
(iii) …………………………………………………………….
(iv) ……………………………………………………………
(v) ……………………………………………………………
22. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
a) When we say it is not, wet or cloudy we are referring to the weather
b) The temperature is measure by hydrometer
c) The three types of rainfall are convectional rainfall, relief rainfall and orographic rainfall
d) Precipitation is the deposition of moisture from the atmosphere on the earth’s surface
e) Relative humidity is the actual amount of water vapour present in a certain volume of air at a given temperature.
f) Altitude is one of the factors which cause rainfall variations
g) Clouds is air in motion from a high pressure area to a low pressure area.
h) Isotherms are lines drawn on a map to join or connect places with the same amount of rainfall
i) An aneroid barometer consists of a small metal box which contains very little air
j) Cirrus, Cirrocumulus and Cirrostratus are referred to as the high clouds which are found at 6,000 to 12,000 meters above sea level.
1. Climate refers to:-
1. The conditions of the atmosphere which occur at a specific period of time like hour to hour or day to day.
2. The average weather condition of the area recorded over a long period of time (30 years)
3. The degree of heat of a body measured by a thermometer and expressed in degree Celsius ( ) or Fahrenheit ( ) scales
4. The depression of moisture from the atmosphere on the earth’s surface.
2. Major natural regions of the world can also be called?
1. Ocean current regions
2. Weather regions
3. Mountainous regions
4. Climatic regions.
3. Which one of the following is not a factor to consider while deciding the climate of a place?
1. Prevailing winds
2. Annual rainfall
3. Distance from the ocean
4. Annual range of temperature.
4. The following are factors affecting climate of a place. Which one is not?
1. Latitude
2. Vegetation
3. Soil
4. Longitude
5. Which one of the following climatic elements is not influenced by temperature?
1. Humidity
2. Rainfall
3. Pressure
4. Condensation
6. Define the term Climate.
7. What is the difference between climate and weather?
8. What is the importance of climate to human activities.
9. Study the data below than answer the questions that follow.
Months |
J |
F |
M |
A |
M |
J |
J |
A |
S |
O |
N |
D |
Temp. |
25.5 |
25.5 |
26.1 |
26.7 |
27.2 |
26.7 |
26.7 |
26.1 |
26.7 |
26.7 |
26.1 |
25.6 |
Rainfall (mm) |
246 |
180 |
185 |
198 |
65 |
178 |
170 |
198 |
175 |
201 |
256.5 |
264 |
a) Give the annual range of temperature for station X.
b) Calculate the mean temperature for station X.
c) Calculate the annual rainfall for station X.
d) Suggest the type of climate for station X.
e) Give two reasons for suggesting the type of climate for station X.
f) Mention any five types of vegetation found in station X.
g) What are the three major economic activities that can be carried out in station X?
1. Which one of the following lists contains only the essential of a map?
1. Title, frame, cattle dip, mosque
2. Scale, colour, picture, forest.
3. Title, key, scale, margin
4. River, mountains, forest, hill
2. The compass bearing of South West is
1. 135
2. 225
3. 315
4. 045
3. The three kinds of North in a map are
1. True North Magnetic North and grid North
2. True bearing, grid bearing and magnetic bearing.
3. True North, North direction and Eastern direction
4. True North magnetic variation and grid North.
4. The instrument which is used to measure bearing is known as
1. Protractor
2. Pair of divider
3. Meter rule
4. Compass
5. Striping method is used in finding area for
1. Irregular shapes
2. Regular shapes
3. Both regular and irregular shapes
4. Plantation farms.
6. The term Map refers to:-
1. Ratio between the distance on the map and the actual distance on the ground.
2. Lines connecting all points of equal height above sea level
3. A representation of the earth or part of the earth on a flat surface such as paper or chalk board.
4. A direction of one point from another expressed in degree of an angle from north clock wise.
7. The information given in a map is shown by convenient signs and symbols which are interpreted by the use of a:-
1. Scale
2. Map
3. Margin
4. Key
8. A map showing important natural and human made feature is known as
1. A topographical map
2. A statistical map
3. A distribution map
4. An atlas map.
9. A map serves various purposes. In military activities, maps are mostly used for?
1. Allocation of settlement
2. Location of argents of the enemies
3. Mastering of routes
4. Communication of soldiers
10. Briefly, a ratio scale is expressed as
11. ___________ refers to the direction towards the North Pole from any place on the earth’s surface
1. Magnetic north
2. True north
3. Grid north
4. North.
12. Write TRUE for the correct statement and FALSE for the incorrect statement.
a) Topographical maps show distribution of phenomena such as rainfall, temperature, air, pressure and population
b) Map reading is the process of identification of the feature and their location
c) Travelers, pilots and captains use maps in farm planning, road construction, railway sites, aerodrome location and allocation of settlements.
d) A scale of a map is a ration between the distance on the map and the actual distance on the ground
e) A small scale map is used to show a small area with many details
f) A linear scale is a line showing the distance on map that represents a given distance on the ground
g) 1 centimetre represents 1000 metres or 1cm to 1000m. This concept refers to a representative fraction (RF) scale.
h) In measuring distances on a map, a linear scale is usually given at the bottom of a map
i) Three kinds of north which can be indicated on a map include four compass direction, eight compass direction and sixteen compass direction
j) Symbols usually look like the features they represent. Most of these symbols are pictorial.
13. Answer the following questions per the given instructions.
a) Mention three types of scales
(i) ………………………………………………………………..
(ii) ………………………………………………………………..
(iii) …………………………………………………………………
b) Name three types of maps
(i) ………………………………………………………………….
(ii) ………………………………………………………………….
(iii) ………………………………………………………………….
c) Identify three methods used to measure areas of irregular shapes in maps
(i) …………………………………………………………………….
(ii) …………………………………………………………………….
(iii) …………………………………………………………………….
d) List five essential of a good map
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………
(iii) …………………………………………………………………………………
(iv) …………………………………………………………………………………
(v) …………………………………………………………………………………
e) Give three methods used to measure the distance of maps
(i) ……………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………
(iii) ……………………………………………………………………………
f) Mention three ways on how map scale can be expressed
(i) ………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………
(iii) ………………………………………………………………………
g) If a statement scale is 1cm to 0.5km, calculate how many meters will be represented by 1cm.
h) Find out which compass direction stands for the following compass bearing.
(i) 045
(ii) 315
(iii) 090
(iv) 202.5
14. Change the following scales into the required formats.
a) 150cm to Kilometres if the map scale is 1:25,000
b) The distance of 800cm if the scale is 1:20,000
c) Change 1:100,000 into statement scale.
d) Draw a linear scale to read 1:50,000 if the ground distance is 20km