1. This paper consists ofsections A,B and C
2. Attempt all questions from sections A and B and only two (2) questions from section C
3. All drawings should be in pencils
4. Write your examination number in each page of your answer sheet provided
5. All writings must be in blue or black ink.
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Answer all questions in this section
1. The following is a multiple-choice question; choose the best answer by writing its letter in the space provided.
i) Oral tradition is divided into two types, these are;
(a) Cultural practice and historical sites
(b) Historical sites and archives
(c) Museum and archives
(d) Narration and regents
(e) Cultural practices and narration of the past events.
ii) Advantages of using better tools during new stone age were the following except;
a) Family became more stable
b) Permanent cultivation became obvious
c) There was permanent settlement in some places
d) Human population increased steadily
e) Man hunting and gathering remained solely activity
iii) Which among the following describes homosapiens correctly
a) Thinking man
b) Tool maker
c) Early man
d) Modern man
e) Man
at early stone age
iv) The method of making salt through boiling andevaporating underground water was commonly done at;
a) Katanga
b) Bagamoyo and Zanzibar
c) Bilma
d) Uvinza
e) Meroe
v) The main ring-leader of mfecane war was
a) Dingiswayo
b) Sobhuza
c) Mputa Maseko
d) Tshaka
e) Dingane
vi) The main controller of long distance trade in Africa include the following except
a) Nyamwezi, Vimbundu and Venda
b) Yao, Imbangala and Bisa
c) Manganja, kamba and Bisa
d) Imbangala, Manganja and Venda
e) Vimbundu, Imbangala and Shona
vii) The following is true about the ancient Mali empire
a) It first came into power with the defeat of Sundiata by Sumanguru
b) It was over thrown by invasion from Ghana
c) It extended its boundaries as far as lake Chad
d) It grew rich by controlling trans-sahara trade
e) It was formed after the collapse of Songai empire
viii) Identify series of societies which are not matrilinial societies
a) Maasai, Nyamwezi and Sukuma
b) Makonde, Yao and Luguru
c) Mwera, Kamba and Makonde
d) Kikuyu, Kamba and Luguru
e) Makonde, Yao and Mwera
ix) Identify the source of Gold item centre during trans-sahara trade among the following
a) Bilma
b) Wangala
c) Timbuktu
d) Yao
e) Tanghaza
x) Pottery industries were carried out in the following society except
a) Buhaya
b) Ukerewe
c) Nubia
d) Meroe
e) Nyamwezi
I |
ii |
iii |
Iv |
v |
vi |
vii |
viii |
Ix |
x |
1. Match the item in list A with those in list B by writing its correct letter in table provided
List A |
i) Chikole, Kotakota, Ujiji and Tabora ii) An explorer who is said to have served imperialist power seeking colonies in Africa iii) System of life where few people or individuals are allowed to own the major means of production iv) Diamond digging v) Hadzabe, Pygmies and Khoisans vi) Venda, Mashona and Manganja vii) Audaghost viii) Nilometa ix) Christopher Columbus x) Death of Zwangendaba
A. H. M. Stanley B. Discovery of USA C. British government in Kenya D. Slaves centers in the interior E. Capitalism F. Help the people living along the Nile to be aware of flood G. Culture of Nilotic groups H. Salt trading centre in Ghana I. Good example of Blacksmith J. African societies based on hunting and gathering K. People who fought against European occupation in North Africa L. 1845 M. 1820’S N. Founder of Ghana empire O. Kimberly P. Johannesburg Q. Trade centre in central Africa
Answers :
I |
ii |
iii |
Iv |
V |
vi |
vii |
viii |
Ix |
x |
2. Arrange the following historical events in chronological order by writing roman numbers;
i) A person who owned by another person as an instrument of labour was called a slave.
ii) Slavery was the second but first exploitative mode of production whereby there was exploitation of man by man.
iii) It came to emerge after the collapse primitive communalism as the first mode of production whereby there was no exploitation of man by man.
iv) There were two classes in this mode of production that were slaves and slave master.
v) A person who owned another person as an object of labour was called a slave master.
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
Attempt all questions in this section.
4. Complete each of the following statement with correct historical facts.
i) The man’s major technological innovation during the middle stone age------------------
ii) Feudal system developed in Zanzibar -------------------
iii) An East Africa historical site where the skull of earliest man was discovered-------------------
iv) The science of domestication of plants and animals in history--------
v) The Gella, Somalia and Iraqi societies is example of---------
vi) Economic system which involved the ownership of slaves was called-
vii) The treaty which closed the Zanzibar slave market in 1873 was called-
viii) The traditional king of the Baganda is known as---------
ix) The systematic tools maker among early creature was called------
x) The societies which practiced pastoralism in West Africa were---------
5. Briefly explain the following terms;
i) A generation
ii) Boer Exodus
iii) Neolithic revolution
iv) Oral tradition
v) Forerunners
6. a) Draw sketch map of East Africa and locate the following information.
i) Pure pastoral societies called Karamajong.
ii) A place where the remains of earliest creature was found in Tanzania.
iii) Lolui island one of historical sites in East Africa.
iv) A place called Unyanyembe where Ntemiship was purely practiced.
v) The society which engaged in curving industry in Southern East of Tanganyika.
b) Outline five impact of Long distance trade.
Answer only two (2) questions from this section.
7. Why economic reasons were responsible for the abolition of slave trade? Explain by giving six points.
8. Which factors gave to the formation of centralized state in Africa (sixpoints).
9. Explain six limitations of using oral tradition as sources of historical information.
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i |
ii |
iii |
iv |
v |
vi |
vii |
viii |
ix |
x |
E |
E |
D |
D |
D |
E |
D |
A |
B |
D |
i |
ii |
iii |
iv |
v |
vi |
vii |
viii |
ix |
x |
D |
A |
E |
O |
J |
I |
H |
F |
B |
L |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
ii |
iii |
iv |
i |
v |
4.i) Discovery of fire
ii) Umwinyi
iii ) Olduvai Gorge
iv) Agriculture
v) Pastoralism societies 1mark@1=10marks
vi) Slavery
vii) Frere treaty
viii) Kabaka
ix) Homo habilis
x) Fulani.
5. i) Generation is the average different in age between a child and his or her parents. OR
Generation is the period of time that takes for a child to grow into adulthood and have children for their own. This period is usually 30 years.
ii) Boer exodus was the movement of Boers from the cape to the interior of South Africa to escape British command such as the use of English language as official language in the cape to stop enslavement of Africans. It started from 1835 and the movement was mainly north ward.
iii) Neolithic revolution was the period when man started permanent settlement and domestication of plants and animals. It started during the new or late stone age up to Iron stone age when man improved in everything such as tools making and conducting agriculture activities for them to survive.
iv) Oral tradition s the historical information that handed down by words of mouth usually by elders from one generation to another. This source of historical information is divided into two; cultural practices such as religious, music, songs, poems, proverbs and narration of past events like telling stories.
v) Forerunners were the first European to come in Africa explore different important information about Africa strategic area and paved the way for Africa colonialism. They came into three groups which were axplorers like Burton in 1856, John Hanning Speke in 1860, Samuel Baker 1864, second were the missionaries such as Johan Krapt in 1884 and Johan Rebman in 1886, the last group was the traders like Livingstone and Stevenson in 1878.
. olduvai gorge
. Lolui island
b). - development and spread of Swahili language
- Introduction of Islam
- Intermarriage
- Development of commercial centre such as malindi, kilwa, Bagamoyo, Zanzibar
- introduction of new goods and crops egcotton clothes, maize, banana
- Rise of some states such as Buganda, karagwe, bunyoro
- introduction of Islamic culture e.g wearing of hijab, kanzu
7. Abolition of slave trade was the stopping of buying and selling human beings as other commodities in the market. British was the first European to champion the abolition of slave trade and three treaties were signed to abolish slave trade which were Moresby treaty 1822, Harmaton treaty 1845 and Frere treaty 1873.
Main body;
Economic reasons for the abolition of slave trade;
· Industrial revolution in Europei.e machine replaced human labour
· The sugar competition between France and Britain.
· American independence 1776
· The need for free labour or wage labour
· The demand of capitalist production.
· The British west India had more slaves they needed by the end of 18thC.
8. Centralized states were the societies ruled by Kings or Queens, example of centralized states in East Africa were Buganda, Bunyoro, Buhaya. West Africa especially western Sudanic states, there were Ghana, Mali and Songhai and forest states were; Dahomey, Oyo, Asante, Benin, Ife and so on.
Main body;
Ø Agriculture
Ø Strong leader
Ø Iron technology
Ø Security
Ø Good climatic conditions
Ø Conquest
Ø Good geographical location
Ø Size of the kingdom
Ø Unity
Ø Strong army
Ø Trade
Ø Common language
9. Oral tradition is the historical information that handed down by words of mouth usually by elders from one generation to another. This source of historical information is divided into two; cultural practices such as religious, music, songs, poems, proverbs and narration of past events like telling stories.
Main body;
Rely on human memory
False information can be given from one story teller.
Language problem.
Information based on ruler or prominent people.
It is expensive
Their reliability is rather problematic
Cannot stand on its own
Time consuming.
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