1. This paper consists of section A , B , C and D.
2. Answer all questions in all sections.
3. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet.
4. Mobile phones are not allowed in examination room.
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1. Read the following passage below then answer the questions that follows.
It is very easy to acquire bad habits such as eating too many sweets, or drinking too much fluid or any kind of smoking. The more we do the thing the more we tend to like doing it. If we do not continue to do it , we will feel unhappy. This is called the force of habit and the force of habit should be taught again.
One of the most widely spread habits is the use of tobacco. Tobacco is now smoked or chewed by men often by women and even by children. Almost all over the world. It was brought into Africa by Whiteman from America. I doubt whether there is any good in the habit and it is difficult to get rid of the habit once it has been formed.
Alcohol is taken almost cool and cold climates and to a very less extent in hot climates. Alcohol is not necessary to anybody in anyway . Tanzania is not required by the people at all and should be avoided by them altogether. The regular use of alcohol , even in small quantities , causes mischief’s in many ways to various organs of the body. It affects the liver, it weakness the mental powers, and lessens the general energy of the body.
a) I) Suggest the suitable title for the passage
ii) What do we mean by ‘the force of habit’?
iii) How is tobacco generally taken by the people?
iv) Who brought tobacco into Africa?
v) How does alcohol affect the human body?
b)For each of the following statements below , write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
I. Eating too many sweets or drinking too much fluid of any kind and smoking are good habit_____________
II. Bad habit is a state of feeling unhappy_________________________
III. Alcohol is most taken in hot climates_________________________
IV. The regular use of alcohol weakens the mental powers of and losses the general energy of the body_____________________________
V. Tobacco in Africa by white people from Africa __________________________-
2. Summarize the passage above ( from questions 1 ) not more than 80 words and not less than 70 words.
03. Match the items in column A with the relevant one in column B to produce complete and meaning sentences.
I. Even though my English is poor. |
A. I did not understand you |
II. You must hurry up |
B. Even if we are late |
III. We decided to close down the shop |
C. They lived happily |
IV. In spite of their poverty. |
D. Let us go back home |
V. We must come |
E. Strangers can understand what I am saying. |
F. Because it will soon be raining. |
G. How do you do |
H. He did not do well in my terminal tests |
I. As customers were becoming fewer and fewer. |
4 .Re-arrange the following sentences into logical sequences by writing the number of the sentences in the space provided.
A. They may be prevented from participating in activities like other people.
B. Because of stigma , they may be treated differently in their families
C. The act of discriminating against then is called stigma.
D. People living with HIV are steal mistreated and discriminated against in various ways.
E. They can be forced to leave their jobs or fail to continue with their businesses.
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
5. Imagine that you are KapewaKapokea of Rofati village . Write an invitation card to your friend Chauroho who lives in Tumbakose to attend your birthday party which will be held on 28th July 2021 at Mtana hall from 1:00 p.m . to 9:00 pm
6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjuctions.
i. Three _______________three makes six.
ii. They came ____________they wanted to see you.
iii. Borrow the money _______you badly need it.
iv. She is taller ______________you.
v. ________you are late you will be allowed in.
vi. Do not read____________ I give you the signal.
PREPOSITIONS : Unless ,least , before, after , since , until , and , if, because, than |
7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Article ‘a’ or ‘an’.
i. Rehema at least found ______________husband.
ii. He took _________________early bus.
iii. She was knocked down by ________UDA bus.
iv. ___________eye for ________eye and _____tooth for the tooth.
v. ____________soldier died in the battle.
vi. It pays to be _________honest man.
vii. Mapunde was married to___________European.
8. Change the verbs in the brackets into their correct forms.
i. The lesson already (begin) when we arrived.
ii. The patient already ( die) when we arrived.
iii. After he ( finish ) his homework he went to sleep.
iv. When I arrived at the bus station the bus already (leave).
v. When the teacher came to the classroom , the students already (go) home.
9. Choose the most appropriate word from the given list to fill in the banks spaces in the following sentences.
i. Kibangashi has spent his_________ life in board school from standard one to form six.
ii. When the thieves came at night , we locked __________in the rooms.
iii. A widower is a man _________wife is dead.
iv. We were studying in ________an old class,
v. This is a man _______________ I gave some money this morning.
vi. This is Kilimanjaro bus _________killed more than 50 people.
vii. The boy ________sells eggs is not foolish.
Which, whole , who, our self, whom , quite , whose ,where , when. |
10. Re –write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.
i. The noise outside was laud , the sick man could not sleep.( Re-write using so-------that ).
ii. Maria is an intelligent girl and hard working. ( Re-write using Not only -----but also....)
iii. Juma has no house to live in and no job to do. ( Re-write using Neither ---------nor---)
iv. Hamisa plays netball . Eliza plays netball too.( Join using both----------)
v. Jane will travel by bus to Songea next month. ( Write sentence in the negative form).
11. Select one class reads you have read from the list below then answer the questions that follows:
· Mabala the Farmer
· Magic Garden
· Hawa the Bus Driver
· Kalulu the Hare
· The Peart
· The Old man and the Rabbit.
· Fast Money
I ) a) What is the title of the book?
b. Who is the author of the book?
ii) Choose the two (2) most important characters and describe their behaviours.
b) ________________________________________________
iii) What was the story about ?_________________________
Iv ) What lesson did you learn from the story?------------------------------------------------------------------------
v) Would you like to advice your friend to read the story? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12. Read the following poem then answer the questions that follows:
My husband says.
I am useless.
Because I waste time
He quarrels
I am never punctual
He says
He has no time to waste
He tells me
Time is money.
Ocol does not chat
With me
He never jokes
With anybody
He says
He has no time
To sit around the evening fire.
When my husband
Is reading a new book
Sitting in his sofa
His face covered up
Completely with the big newspaper.
So that he looks
Like a corpe.
I) Who is talking in this poem ? Why?----------------------------------------------
II) To whom is the poem talking?-------------------------------------------------------
III) How do you know?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IV) How many staznas are there in the poem?-------------------------------------------------
V) Mention two figures of speech found in the poem.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 a) i. The force of habit. 2 @
ii) Once we have formed a bad habit , we like to continue it. This is called the force of habit.
iii) By chewed or smoked.
1v)Whitemenfrom America. = 10 total
v) Causes mischief , affects the liver, weakens the mental powers and lessens the general energy of the body.
b) i) FALSE 0 1 (10)
iii) FALSE
iv) TRUE
v) FALSE = 05 total
2. Bad habits are easily formed. Once they are formed it is difficult to get rid of them. This force of habit should be checked. Using tobacco and drinking alcohol are two bad habits that have spread all over the world. Alcohol is not all essential to anybody. Tanzanians do not require it, so it must totally avoid. Its regular use, even in small quantities, badly affects our body and mind. (73 words).
i |
ii |
iii |
iv |
v |
E |
F |
I |
C |
B |
01 @ =05 total
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
iv |
iii |
ii |
i |
V |
01@ =05 total
Kapewa Kapokea of Rofati village, would like to Invite you Mr/Mrs/Prof/Dr______________ to my birthday party that will be held on Thursday 28th July 2021 at Mtama hall from 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Your presence will be highly appreciated. Kapewa : 0717-316047. |
6. i) and
ii) because
iii) if 01@ =06 total
iv) than
v) if
v) Until
7. i ) a
ii) an
iii) an
iv) an , a, a 01@ =07 total
v) a
vi) a
vii) a.
8 i) The lesson had already begun when we arrived.
ii) The patient had already died when we arrived.
iii) After he had finished his homework he went to sheep. 02@ = 10 total
iv) When he arrived at the bus station, the bus had already left.
v) When the teacher came to the classroom, the students had already gone home.
9. i) Whole
ii) Ourself
iii) Whose
iv) Quite 01@ =07 total
v) Whom
vi) Which
v) Who
10.i) The noise outside was so laud that the sick man could not sleep.
ii) Maria is not only intelligent but also hardworking.
iii) Juma has no neither house to live in nor job to do. 02@ = 10 total
Iv) Both Hamisa and Eliza plays netball.
v) Jane will not travel by bus to Songea next month.
11. a) Mabala the farmer 01 mark
b) Richard S. Mabala. 01 mark
ii) a) Mabala –He was stubborn , lazy , money monger and selfish and he could not listen to anyone but trust himself. 01 mark
b) Mama Martina – She was a hard worker and good planner with intelligence. 01 mark
iii) The story was about a family of Mabala with his wife Mama Martina who were lived in Dar es salaam and then they shifted to the village in Morogoro and become a farmer. 02 mark
iv) Hard working : If we work hard in any carrier or activity with a good plan and advice we a good result. 02 mark
v) Yes, because the story was very interested as we learn how to work hard and the story has characters who conveyed a message to the society. Like Mabala who was lazy , stubborn and money monger with his wife Mama Martina who was hard a hardworker. 02 mark
12.i )A woman. Because on the first and third stanzas complained to her husband who ignored her as useless woman and he had no time to talk to her. Example when says...
ii)To her husband.
iii) Because on the third stanza , said My husband saya....
He quarrels....I am not punctual.
He has no time to waste....... 02@ = 10 total
iv) Three stanzas.
(V) (i) metaphor eg. Time is money
ii) Smile eg. He looks like a corpse.
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