Writing Cards
Cards for Various Occasions and Events
Write cards for various occasions and events
Cards and messages are a means of communication which use paper and mobile phones to transfer information to a certain person.
Invitation cards:Cards contain information we us to send to our parents, relatives and friends. Cards are intended to invite people to parties or functions, send greetings, and convey strong feelings.
Example 1
The Invitation Card
The family of Mr. & Mrs. R.Matagi of Mpwapwa Dodoma
Are happy to invite Mr/Mrs/Miss/Prof/Rev /Dr
To a pre wedding party of our beloved daughter Neema R Matagi tobe held at Manaseh social hall onDecember. 6. 2016 from 8:00-12:00
Unlike letters, the information written on cards should be short and clear. There are several kinds of cards; post cards, greeting cards, and invitation cards.
Writing Messages
Telephone Massages from Callers
Write telephone messages from callers
Telephone messages are written through mobile phones, when you are preparing them, make sure you have a mobile phone, number of the person whom you want to send a message, go to the mobile menu, open the message field, write your information in short and clear sentences. Then insert the number you want to send to, and then send.
Writing Telephone Messages
Writing Messages on Mobile Phones
Write messages on mobile phones
Telephone messages are written through mobile phones, when you are preparing them, make sure you have a mobile phone, number f a person whom you want to send a message, go to the mobile menu, open the message field, write your information in short and clear information. Then insert the number you want to send to, and then send.
Leaving a Written Note/Message
Writing Clear Departure note/message
Write clear departure note/message
Notes are short messages which are written to notify a person, about something in short. In this you just need to write a single sentence, example, “see you’ “call me later” “I have gone out.”

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