HESLB Loan Application Form Verification Status HESLB Majina ya waliokosea fomu za bodi ya mikopo ,is just a list of the names of applicants for the Heslb Online Loan Application and Management System who need to amend their critical information. HESLB will typically disclose the names of applicants for the HESLB loan program who are lacking vital information once it has completed a screening exercise using the Online Loan Application and Management System (OLAMS).
Majina ya marekebisho bodi ya mikopo, HESLB Names with mistakes HESLB Majina ya waliokosea fomu za bodi ya mikopo , PDF Majina Waliokosea kuomba Mkopo List Majina Ya Waliokosea Kuomba Mkopo .
Then click Login for Registered Applicants. You will be required to enter the following details:- Username that is Form Four Index Number *: (e.g. S0143.0078.1990) Password Security Code (Retype text as it appears) After Successful login in the system you will see your dashboard that has different pages:-
Here You see Application Steps
- Application Fee Payment
- Self Registration
- Select Applicant Category
- Applicant Basic information
- Demographics and Contact
- Preliminary Information
- Education information
- Guarantor Details
- Preview Your Application
- Declarations and Signature
- Print and Submit Application
- Your Application form is currently in Verification Stages, Remember you can not Edit or Change application details
Appeal Status
- Appeal Info for Academic year is not yet ready.
Allocation Status
- Allocation information is yet to be displayed
HESLB Instructions on how To Apply for a Loan | Online Application Step by Step
- Stage 1: Registration
Register for an account with OLAMS
A form will display two buttons:
- NECTA button clicks this button if you are an applicant who did form four examinations in Tanzania. You will be required to fill the form that will appear below.
- NON-NECTA button clicks this button if you are an applicant who did form four examinations overseas. You will be required to fill the form that will appear below.
- Stage 2: Login
After registration. You can log in and be allowed to the system by clicking on the Login link
A form will display two input fields.
Enter the applicant’s Username and Passw
Click the Login button to be checked and be allowed into the system.
- Stage 3: Important Instruction
When logged into the system, you will be presented with important instructions that will guide you when applying for a loan.
- Stage 4: Application Fee Payment
Instructions on how to pay the application fee and the status of the application fee payment will be available under the Application Fee Payment link.
- Stage 5: My Application
Applicants can access their loan application forms through the My Application link.
Application forms are divided into sub–forms that are completed through different steps as shown, once My Application link opens an application form.
The Followings are The steps You must Follow for HESLB Online Loan Application
Self Registration is your starting point for the online application
Every prospective applicant must first register before being allowed to access the Loan Application Form. There are different links for applicants who sat for NECTA Examinations and those who wrote Non-NECTA Exams. Select the appropriate link.
How to Format Your Four Index?
Your form four index number is used by the Board to uniquely identify applicants and must be formatted as follows. For example, the index number S0332/12 of 2016 becomes a 15 character represented as S0332.0300.2016
N.B: Overseas Applicants should use their examination index numbers as they appear in their certificates.
How To Login?
If you are a registered user, you already know the USERNAME and PASSWORD for the system. The PASSWORD is case sensitive which means a capital letter should be treated as such, a Small letter likewise.
- First time loan applicants are applicants that have not used this system before and have no accounts to enable them to login to the system using their username and passwords. These applicants are required to get registered first.
- Existing applicants are applicants who have completed Registration in this system before and were able to create accounts to enable them to login to the system using their username and password. These applicants can login to the system anytime. Existing applicants are applicants who have completed Registration in this system before and were able to create accounts to enable them to login to the system using their username and passwords. These applicants can login to the system anytime.
- NECTA FORM Four Index Number should be in the format: S0XXX.XXXX or P0XXX.
Example: S0750.0023 or P0750.0023. - Applicant will be able to Login after completing Registration.
- Registration enables applicant to create account in this system and obtain Username and Password.
- Registration should only be done once. After completion, applicant should only Login using obtained username and password.
- Username will be applicant’s NECTA FORM Four Index Number followed by a year of completion, e.g.: S0XXX.XXXX.
Example: S0750.0023.2006 or P0750.0023.2006. - When logged in applicant will be able to make application fee payment and complete loan application.
- Loan application forms will only be visible for filling once the application fee is paid.
- In order to successfully complete the loan application; the applicant is required to complete all steps under My Application link.
- The applicant will go through the following;-
- Fill all application forms in the system
- Submit all the filled forms to the system
- Print the forms
- Sign all required forms
- Upload the signed forms
- Print the completed loan application package
- Close the loan application.
- Education and Teaching in Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics
- Health Sciences (Doctor of Medicine, Dental Surgery, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Midwifery, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Physiotherapy, Biotechnology and Laboratory sciences, Radiotherapy Technology);
- Engineering Programmes (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Mining, Mineral and Processing, Textile, Chemical and Processing, Agriculture,
- Food and Processing, Automobile, Industrial, Maritime Transportation, Marine Technology, Electronics and Telecommunication, and Bio-
- Processing and Post-Harvest), Water and Irrigation, Petroleum and Gas, and electrical, Bachelor Degree in Aircraft and Maintenance Engineering, Bachelor Degree in Pilot Engineering and Bachelor of Bio-medical
- engineering Programme.
- Petroleum Geology, Petroleum Chemistry
- Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Sciences and Production Management
- Basic Science Programmes (BSc General, BSc in/with Applied Zoology, Botanical, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Microbiology, Molecular
- Biology and Biotechnology, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Aquatic Environmental Sciences and Conservation, Geology, Mathematics and
- Statistics, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Health, Wildlife and Conservation), ICT Legal and ICT and Programming, Information Systems and Network Management, Environmental, Urban Development and Industrial Metrology.
- Land Science Programmes (Architecture, Landscape and Architecture, Interior Design, Building Survey, Building Economics, Urban and Regional Planning, Land Management and Valuation, and Geospatial Technology).
- Courses under this cluster include Business and Management Studies, Social Sciences, Arts, Humanities, Law and Legal Studies, Languages, Literature, Media and Communications Studies.
- To assist, on a loan basis, needy students who secure admission in accredited higher learning institutions, but who have no economic power to pay for the costs of their education
- To collect due loans from loan beneficiaries and use it as revolving fund to sustain operations of the Board
- To create synergies through establishing strategic partnerships in student financing ecosystem
How to Pay for HESLB Loan Application
HESLB Loan Allocation Status Waliopata Mkopo
you can access online application form. First-time applicants have to fill a couple of forms. For First Time applicants the menu items will appear on your left. Once completed, each subform will be displayed with green tick on your left menu. The link for printing the completed application package will appear
All loan applications will be done through Online Loan Application and Management System (OLAMS). Applicants are REMINDED to use the same Form Four Index Numbers used while applying for admissions.
HESLB Kozi zenye kipaumbele Kupata Mkopo The Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) is a body corporate established under Act No.9 of 2004 (as amended in 2007, 2014 and 2016) with the objective of assisting needy and eligible Tanzania students to access loans and grants for higher education.Kozi nzuri za kupata mkopo,kozi zenye uhakika kupata mkopo 2022
After establishing applicant’s guidelines and meeting requirements
under sections 3.1 and 3.2 above, the following programme clusters will
be used to determine the loans to be issued in priority order subject to
availability of funds.
They are divided into three clusters as follows below:-
Courses under this cluster include: –
Courses under this cluster include:
NOTE: All other courses not listed in either of the clusters, will fall under Cluster III
The main mandates of HESLB include:
HESLB Kozi zenye kipaumbele Kupata Mkopo
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